As you may already know, I am a doctor of physical therapy. I have been working in outpatient orthopedics for almost 2 years now. Back in March, I was supposed to start in a new clinic for a new company. Due to devastatingly low patient volumes in the clinics, secondary to COVID-19, I was furloughed from both my old job and my new job.
Fast forward to June when I received a call from my new boss offering me a position starting part time. Of course I said, “yes.” Last week I started practicing physical therapy for the first time in almost 4 months and in a brand new clinic I am unfamiliar with. Within a week my hours at work already increased significantly and my commute time is about an hour and a half. As a result, the past two weeks have been a bit stressful and draining. But I’m working on adapting to these new changes.
The good news is, I feel so much better now that I am back to treating patients after overcoming the hurdle of dusting off the cob webs of being away from the clinic for 4 months. The reason I am telling you all this is because all the injuries, problem solving and patient education I experience in the clinic will show up right here. What I mean by this, is the more I see in clinic the more help I am to you here. I will be sharing injury trends, things to look out for and much more. For example, if I am seeing a trend in shoulder injuries, I will share tips and tricks to helping you with similar problems. All my clinic experience will translate to Balancing Bicycle.
That being said, I apologize for leaving you guys hanging the past two weeks. I’m trying to get back into a routine these days. Moving forward, continue to keep an eye on the socials and the blog for new posts. They’ll be coming in hot and heavy once I get into a groove. Hint: Thursday I’ll be continuing our conversation about exercise recommendations in terms of progressions. Stay tuned and your patience is greatly appreciated.
Keep pedaling,